Today there is more and more scientific evidence for the fact that there is indeed a corelation between nutrition and proper brain function. „You are what you eat“ is truer than ever.
Alzheimer Disease or Dementia are not only a creepy idea but a bitter reality which affects more people than ever before. But sad as it is, even brain fog is something many people can relate to nowadays.
Let alone clear, considerate decisions. By the way, decision making doesn’t seem to be hip those days for the younger generation.
In the same time the level of toxins to which we are exposed every day is enormous: heavy metals like mercury, aluminium, copper, lead, nickel and cadmium, air pollution, pharmaceuticals, nanotechnology, chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, plastic, industrial cleaners…
The list is endless and everything is damaging to our brain, our liver, the central nervous system.

Barley Grass + Spirulina
The combination is key! Barley grass extracts the heavy metals from your brain, central nervous system and liver and spirulina can easily get these extracted toxins out of your body! The recommended dosis are 1-2 tea spoons barley grass per day dissolved in water or juice. I personally don’t like the taste of spirulina but I outsmart myself and mix it into all of my smoothie bowls (hehe). Pay attention that your spirulina comes from Hawaii.

Wild Blueberries

This super fruit takes all heavy metals out for your brain and helps to refill the gaps. Wild blueberries have many different names which adds to much confusion, you can call them blueberries, bilberries or whortleberries. Thanks to pterostilbene (a phytochemical) blueberries help to prevent Dementia and Alzheimer Disease and are rich in antioxidants, iron, selenium and zinc. I love to eat them unsweetened with some coconut yoghurt or mix them into my smoothie bowls (more on my next blog post!).

Coconut Yogurt, Blueberries and my organic Coffee!

Dulse is an alga from the Atlantic Ocean and is available in dried form (flakes or stripes) on the internet. It is rich in iron, proteines, vitamin A, B1, B2, B12 and C and rids us of mercury, lead, aluminium, copper, cadmium and nickel and it is furthermore able to pass the blood-brain-barrier (which controlls which substances can pass from blood to brain and the other way). Daily consumption is recommended.


Besides vitamin K and calcium cellery contains anti-inflammatory luteolin (a flavonoid) and helps to prevent age-related memory loss. Concerning newest scientific evidence inflammation is one of the main reasons for neurodegenerative diseases.

Better than coffee: Propolis! Not only does it protect the bee hive, it helps us humans to stay fit and strengthens our brain’s stamina thanks to a high number of nutrients, such as folic acid, amino acids and vitamin B complex. Just add a tea spoon into your smoothie or shake and let’s go!

Dark Chocolate
Quality is important (!) with at least 70% cocoa. Why? Besides iron, magnesium, antioxidants and fiber it contains flavonoids. These nutrients improve blood vessel function, blood flow and this in return improves cognitive function and memory (improvement in every aspect – halleluja!). Dark chocolate also contains so-called stimulant substances like coffeine and theobromine. Sometimes after my lunch break I like to treat myself with a small piece of chocolate and a cup of organic coffee!

Cashew Nut
Contain iron, zinc and magnesium and are thus best brain food. I don’t need to say more.

I often put Cashew Nuts in my Smoothie Bowls

Carrots + Spinach
Both contain nitrate, which is converted through bacteria in our mouth to nitrite. These nitrites open the blood vessels and provide blood quicker to the brain. Our blood circulation plays a huge role concerning diseases like dementia and other cognitive diseases. Spinach furthermore contains alpha lipoic acid, which is important for the synthesis of glutathion (an antioxidant) and is keeping our brain fit.

Coconut Oil
Our brain is like an engine, without some good oil the machine does not work properly – coconut oil has an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents Alzheimer disease, dementia etc. Furthermore it’s perfect for roasting, because it can be heated to very high temperatures without destroying its ingredients. A healthy fat – I love it!

Coconut Oil is solid when it’s cold and liquid when it’s warm!

1. Villoldo, Alberto (2016): One Spirit Medizin
2. William, Anthony (2016): Mediale Medizin