31. December 2017

Do you sleep well? If not, here are my tips!

Sleep is one of the most wonderful things in life! Sleep is the time when we don’t give a fuck, a time where we get fueled with energy and where we do absolutely NOTHING. Actually sleep isn’t that difficult, you lie down, you close your eyes and you fall asleep.
Pah, sometimes it isn’t!
Insomnia is worse than bad dreams. Insomnia is the bad dream of bad dreams!
Everybody who has suffered or who is suffering from insomnia knows exactly what I’m talking about, because insomnia has a terrible snowball effect, with every bad night, the next gets even worse and it seems like it’s never gonna end.
As if!
Even scientists don’t know how sleeping actually works. It is a „complex neurophysiologic state“. This means that falling asleep remains a mystery. At least we know what makes falling asleep diffucult: besides physical, psychiatric and pharmacologic reasons, we know physiologic ones like staying in bed too long, shift work, sleeping too long during the day, unsteady lifestyle, too much action in the evening or psychological ones like stress in general, traumatic life events, diseases, problems with familie, partner or job.

And then it happens, we lie down in bed, close our eyes and the magic of falling asleep is gone. We don’t fall asleep, we’re counting sheep, we begin to think, we count the hours remaining, with every passing minute we get even more frustrated. And as I said, with every bad night the next night might be a horror night even more so. Even going to bed can become a horror scene: „What, if I cannot fall asleep tonight again? Then I won’t be fit again tomorrow and I will not be able to manage my work load!“
I know this so well, this is why I worked out some methods so that sleep could become something wonderful, relaxing and most of all easy again.

I had my breakthrough with meditiation. I read Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Book „Full Catastrophe Living“. Jon Kabat-Zinn is a doctor at the Stress Reduction Clinic of the University of Massachusetts Medical Center and introduced mindful meditation in the 90ies to help reduce his patients’ pain evidently. Of course I read a whole lot of other books and articles about meditation, but his scientific approach and the fusion of buddhism, meditation and modern medicine inspired me at the utmost. I began to meditate without expecting anything. Because meditation is simply about mindfulness (in the west we often confuse it with relaxing techniques – i mean, you may relax, but that’s not what your goal is, because meditation has no goal). I made room inside of me for the nothingness and realized that in time I found silence within me. In traditional meditation you have to let your thoughts pass you by, you don’t need to be attached to them. But this is what we constantly do in our daily lifes: we grab our thoughts and we water them so that they can flourish, we indentify with our thoughts and the worse part is, most of the times it happens completely uncoscious! If we were able to hear our thoughts we would be looking for the volume control to put it on mute – it’s insane!
If we are aware of our thoughts we can consciously decide to let them pass by. Just like toddlers gaze at things and don’t label them good or bad. Because thoughts can very well be useful. But in the right amount. So, should I have some thought smog while I want to fall asleep, I remind myself that I don’t have to get attached to them I can let them pass by. Not my thoughts have the power over me, I have the power over my thoughts, hehe.

Going to bed thoughtless
Going to bed without that thought smog is absolutely preferable. I do this by solving my problems instantly if it is possible or looking for a partial solution. If I’m not able to solve the problem at once but I know that it’s a matter of time I get that feeling „Everything is alright, even if it’s not entirely alright.“ We as humans need this, because security is one of our basic needs otherwise our brain stem is in constant alterness – this definitely doesn’t help when you want to fall asleep.
What’s also helping is to prioritize problems. Our mindset concerning our problems plays a huge role as to how they can affect our sleep. Over time I developed a mindset that says: „You little problem, you are not that important to disturb my sleep, see you tomorrow, arrividerci!“. You think this is crazy? I really do it! Of course mega shit happens at times which will eventually disturb my sleep, but generally I altert my mindset consciously so that I shit on my problems, at least at night when I sleep.

Failure is 100% natural
Who is flawless all the time in all respects!?
No one. But unconsciously more or less everybody suffers from this pressure. Even sleep should be perfect. Sleep is something relaxing and if we start to feel pressure, how can we relax and fall asleep?
Everybody can relate: You ultimatly fell asleep, you wake up in the middle of the night, you cannot fall back to sleep, you look at the clock, it’s 3:45 am, you count the hours remaining and you’re getting frustrated.
I’ve heard this story so many times, usually I reply: „Yeah, I also wake up in the middle of the night, I go to the bathroom, then I return to my bed and fall asleep, as simple as that.“ It’s not that big deal.
Certainly there have been situations were I couldn’t get back to sleep and I imagined how I would be tired the next day and that I wouldn’t be able to go to training and sleep is so important for training and…
Yeah, ok. This is clearly a vicious circle that makes my problem even bigger instead of making it smaller. What is this all about? It’s about failing. Yes, it’s absolutely ok to fail. The more I pressure myself not fail the more likely I am to fail. It sounds contradictory, but it’s the truth.
So, NEVERMIND, just fail!

Aroma Therapy
When I got my nasal septum correction 3 years ago I couldn’t smell anything for a week. It was the longest week of my life! It was ugly! Everybody know how important scents are in our life. Scents bring wonderful moments to mind, they take us with them on a journey, they relax us.
They not only smell good, essential oils are a great support in therapies and they can also help my clients during a session. Why not support me at falling asleep?
Lavender and bergamot are little helpers. L’Occitane has a combination of both i a spray bottle that you can spray on your pillow (I’m sure there are also cheaper alternatives). Lavender and bergamot help with nervousness and anxiety. From my personal experience these oils have a relaxing and also soporific effect.

Should you loose control and be amidst of this vicious circle, valerian may help. From my viewpoint valerian becomes ineffective over time. It’s not a durable solution, more like a quick solution to make sure you sleep 1-2 nights through, so that you can be fit enough to solve your problems the next day.

Put your smart phone away, switch off your computer and your tv!
I can’t say it enough. Of course I’m not a fan of generalizations and I myself ditch the rules sometimes. But only sometimes. Most of us are addicted to their phones, scrolling through instagram, FB and so on, time flies and photons are bombarding our brain tricking it into thinking it is daytime. Your brain needs the dark to understand that it is time to rest. I personally use my day light lamps to wake up quicker when I took a nap in the afternoon and seem to be stuck in dreamland.
So vice versa: dim the lights and turn them off. And do it always like this, at least at the beginning of the phase where you want to practise to fall asleep easier. At 9pm I dim my lights at home, I only use cozy and relaxing lights so that I can wind down, end the day and slowly get into sleep-mode. I’m no longer sitting in front of my computer, I don’t check emails or alike and the only time when I have my smart phone I go to sleep is when I set the alarm and put it on flight mode.

Enjoy this peaceful time in the evening, you will be able to relax much easier and you will overall feel better. And to put it a bit more harshly: Be thankful that you live in a country where there’s peace, where we have jobs, there’s no war and we don’t suffer from hunger. Let’s not make our worries bigger that they are!

With this said, sleep well my dear ones!





Kabat-Zinn, Jon (2011): Gesund durch Meditation – Das große Buch der Selbstheilung

31. December 2017

My Smoothie Bowl Routine

If you happen to follow me on my private instagram account you may have seen some of my smoothie bowls. I love them, I call them my second breakfast and create my own mix just the way i like it. For a long time I just didn’t know at all how to make those fruity colorful bowls. So I read everything I could find on the internet and created my very own basic recipe. Generally I love a good basis because a good basis allows room fror creativity to unfold – not only in the kitchen. In this post I will let you in on what my basics are and give you a few tips!

All the kitchenware you will need is a hand-held blender, a bigger cup and a small kitchen knife. I personally use the „Zauberstab“ from ESGE, a Swiss brand known for its high quality materials, its longevity and its powerful engine (I’m a sucker for powerful engines…). It’s better to invest some money in good kitchenware – my blender is indestructible and chaffs everything!

Coconut milk is always my basis – you can also use almond milk, oat milk, rice or soy milk. For two years now I try to avoid dairy products as much as I can, as I am only able tolerate a small amount of it.

To achieve a creamy consistency and also for the reason that they’re healthy, i always cut one babana into my bowl. Depending on how creamy you want your bowl to be you can add more or less milk. Just try!

Afterwards I continue with nuts, berries, magic powders and so on! Nuts contain important and good fats, which cover our nerves and ensure better brain function. If I put a handful of different nuts into my bowl I can tick this off my to-eat-list.

Berries, especially blueberries are rich in nutrients. You can find them deep-frozen in your (organic) super market. I usually buy a berry mix.

Tip: you can put every fruit you want into you bowl, but I wouldn’t suggest kiwis, figs or pine apples. These fruits are becoming bitter in the process.

Next step are the magic powders. There are a few of them, like spirulina, maca, stinging nettle and so on. Most of them aren’t that delicious but if I mix them into my smoothie bowl, the bowl remains delicious and I can use their super powers, hehe. If I want to I can also add some curcumin powder and flaxseed or pumpkinseed oil (essential fatty acids).

Dates are perfect for sweetening. They are very delicious, they aren’t too too sweet and they’re super healthy.

two tbsp of ground flaxseed is never a bad idea

Mix everything with your blender. Afterwards I add some oats (so I can get my daily amount of folic acid) and put the mix in a small bowl.

Now we continue with the topping. No boundaries! My favorites are corn flakes, chocolate oats, coconut flakes, pumpkin seeds and goji berries. But as I said, no boundaries! You can do whatever you like!

You can see my smoothie bowl creation after my little shoot for this blog here. I hope you have fun trying your own smoothie bowl, I hope that I have helped and inspired you!

Ingredients Smoothie Creme:

1 banana, approx. 150ml organic coconutmilk, 2 tbsp ground flaxseed, 1 handful deepfrozen organic berry mix, 3 dates, almonds, cashewnuts, 1 cup vegan organic protein powder, 1 tbsp maca, 1 tbsp spirulina, 1 finger twist curcumin powder, 1 dash linseed and pumpkinseed oil, oats

Ingredients for Topping:

cornflakes, chocolate Oats, coconut flakes, pumpkin seeds, goji berries

31. December 2017

A fit Brain, thanks to Brain Food!

Today there is more and more scientific evidence for the fact that there is indeed a corelation between nutrition and proper brain function. „You are what you eat“ is truer than ever.
Alzheimer Disease or Dementia are not only a creepy idea but a bitter reality which affects more people than ever before. But sad as it is, even brain fog is something many people can relate to nowadays.
Let alone clear, considerate decisions. By the way, decision making doesn’t seem to be hip those days for the younger generation.
In the same time the level of toxins to which we are exposed every day is enormous: heavy metals like mercury, aluminium, copper, lead, nickel and cadmium, air pollution, pharmaceuticals, nanotechnology, chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, plastic, industrial cleaners…
The list is endless and everything is damaging to our brain, our liver, the central nervous system.

Barley Grass + Spirulina
The combination is key! Barley grass extracts the heavy metals from your brain, central nervous system and liver and spirulina can easily get these extracted toxins out of your body! The recommended dosis are 1-2 tea spoons barley grass per day dissolved in water or juice. I personally don’t like the taste of spirulina but I outsmart myself and mix it into all of my smoothie bowls (hehe). Pay attention that your spirulina comes from Hawaii.

Wild Blueberries

This super fruit takes all heavy metals out for your brain and helps to refill the gaps. Wild blueberries have many different names which adds to much confusion, you can call them blueberries, bilberries or whortleberries. Thanks to pterostilbene (a phytochemical) blueberries help to prevent Dementia and Alzheimer Disease and are rich in antioxidants, iron, selenium and zinc. I love to eat them unsweetened with some coconut yoghurt or mix them into my smoothie bowls (more on my next blog post!).

Coconut Yogurt, Blueberries and my organic Coffee!

Dulse is an alga from the Atlantic Ocean and is available in dried form (flakes or stripes) on the internet. It is rich in iron, proteines, vitamin A, B1, B2, B12 and C and rids us of mercury, lead, aluminium, copper, cadmium and nickel and it is furthermore able to pass the blood-brain-barrier (which controlls which substances can pass from blood to brain and the other way). Daily consumption is recommended.


Besides vitamin K and calcium cellery contains anti-inflammatory luteolin (a flavonoid) and helps to prevent age-related memory loss. Concerning newest scientific evidence inflammation is one of the main reasons for neurodegenerative diseases.

Better than coffee: Propolis! Not only does it protect the bee hive, it helps us humans to stay fit and strengthens our brain’s stamina thanks to a high number of nutrients, such as folic acid, amino acids and vitamin B complex. Just add a tea spoon into your smoothie or shake and let’s go!

Dark Chocolate
Quality is important (!) with at least 70% cocoa. Why? Besides iron, magnesium, antioxidants and fiber it contains flavonoids. These nutrients improve blood vessel function, blood flow and this in return improves cognitive function and memory (improvement in every aspect – halleluja!). Dark chocolate also contains so-called stimulant substances like coffeine and theobromine. Sometimes after my lunch break I like to treat myself with a small piece of chocolate and a cup of organic coffee!

Cashew Nut
Contain iron, zinc and magnesium and are thus best brain food. I don’t need to say more.

I often put Cashew Nuts in my Smoothie Bowls

Carrots + Spinach
Both contain nitrate, which is converted through bacteria in our mouth to nitrite. These nitrites open the blood vessels and provide blood quicker to the brain. Our blood circulation plays a huge role concerning diseases like dementia and other cognitive diseases. Spinach furthermore contains alpha lipoic acid, which is important for the synthesis of glutathion (an antioxidant) and is keeping our brain fit.

Coconut Oil
Our brain is like an engine, without some good oil the machine does not work properly – coconut oil has an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents Alzheimer disease, dementia etc. Furthermore it’s perfect for roasting, because it can be heated to very high temperatures without destroying its ingredients. A healthy fat – I love it!

Coconut Oil is solid when it’s cold and liquid when it’s warm!

1. Villoldo, Alberto (2016): One Spirit Medizin
2. William, Anthony (2016): Mediale Medizin
3. http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fnins.2016.00193/full
4. http://propolis-wirkt.de/
5. http://www.wildeblaubeeren.de/130/Einkaufstipp.htm
6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4427717/



31. December 2017

How to avoid Mental Blockage – 5 Tips!

In my previous blog post we saw some of the basic human brain functions and what can cause a mental blockage. By now we know that if our reptilian brain identifies a certain situation which has been a negative or positive expierence in the past it activates the corresponding emotions in the limbic system, the area for pleasure and pain.
This means that every time we are faced with a situation which our brainstem has memorized as dangerous we go on automatic pilot and our body produces stress hormones. With so much adrenaline it’s hard to react calmly. In the past when we were living in caves this behaviour was perfectly legit to make sure we survive, but in our times there are almost no life threatening situations – nevertheless it feels like it, because our body produces the exact same hormones.
So, what can you actively do if you lost your cool?

No. 1: Smile!
As everybody knows: Laughing is the most relaxing thing!
In situations where we lose our cool it’s relaxing as well: If someone actually succeeds in making us laugh our level of frustration starts to sink. In terms of neurophysiology a muscle pushes a nerv, which then sends our brain a signal that we are happy and the brain produces endorphines (serotonine, dopamine…). Endorphines are stronger than stress hormones, 10 sec are already enough to fall below the critical level. If there’s no one to make you laugh, you have to help yourself. So, leave the room, go somewhere you can be all by yourself and smile for 60 sec. It might feel akward in the beginning, but it helps, just go through with it.

No. 2: Put Things in Perspective
Ok, you’re pissed, you’re on rage mode, your colleague just insulted you in front of your team. That’s not cool and I can understand, that you would want to verbally beat the daylights out of her – but hold on. Violence breeds violence and every violent deed justifies another violent deed according to this principle. What are you getting out of it in the long run?
Higher targets help to get you out of this vicious circle, eg. „using my full potential“ or something similar. Everytime you get in a situation like this, ask yourself if it will serve your development in the long run – on a business, spiritual, mental, private level. You will realize how unimportant it is in in relation to your higher targets – is it worth to waste your energy?

No. 3: Win or Lose!? Double Win!
What feels better? To be a victim of your stress hormones, to act like a total wacko and be aggressive or to grab the situation, turn it around and be calm like a Zen master?
Our brainstem can only distinguish between „Win“ (=Survive) and „Lose“ (=Death) – so this is why we want to win and we hate to lose. In our modern times these thinking patterns are obsolete and they’re blocking our potential. Do I win if I insult my colleague? Maybe for now? And what does winning mean to you? For me winning is, when I can remain calm or master a difficult situation quickly. This is what motivates me to overcome my resistence (limbic system) which I feel in this very moment and to focus on what I want to achieve in the long run. It gives me an extra portion of endorphines if I become relaxed again, I reward myself twice – I’m not only relaxed again, I have overcome myself and mastered the situation (this needs permanent practice, but it works!). As I said, a double win!

What are your Higher Targets?

No. 4: Time for a Change
We go on vacation to get fueled with new energy. A different place, a different country inspires us. The same principle applies to a stress situation. Ok, you don’t necessarily have to leave the country, but maybe the room, your flat, the building. Move to another room = to another situation. You can get easily fueled, when you go to a place you feel good. In energetic terms: the energy level in every room is different, if you leave a negative charged room, you have better chances to fuel yourself with positive energy than staying in the room with the negative vibration.

You don’t have to go on a vacation necessarily – go outside and enjoy nature! (This, btw is Ellie Bullen, follow her on IG when if you’re interested in travelling and vegetarian food)

No. 5: Elixir of Life
Another good thing: Water! Cleansing and revitalizing. Wash your hands, your face, drink some water. Especially in an exhausting dispute water can clear the head. To put it biophysically for all the nerds out there: according to Dr. Barbara Hendel and biophysicist Peter Fereira‚ ‘water is responsible for our consciousness, because it empowers our thought processes, feelings and moods’. Water molecules and quartz crystals have the same geometric body, a tetrahedron (pyramid), which gives water its crystalline structure. Therefore water is like liquid quartz, the uniformity and stability of its atoms make it a perfect emitter and receptor for electromagnetic waves. Amazing isn’t it!?

You have some tips? What is your method to get you out of a mental blockage? Comment below!

Lubbock, Philippa (2010): Life Alignment
Birkenbihl, Vera F. (1993): „Pragmatische Esoterik – Der kleine Weg zum großen Selbst“, Vortrag an der TU München

31. December 2017

How your Brain can rain on your Parade

You know this situation: your boss insults you and you’re standing there – FREEZE! Like a deep-frozen vegetable, instantly frozen, unable to react – you cannot even move. In your car on your way home you know what brillant response you would have wanted to say, but 6 hours later the moment is long over. Why do we get in such situations in which we feel like a total vegetable and nothing like the evolution’s elite?

First we have to take a look at how our brain is basically working. To put it simple, you can divide your bio-computer into three sections:
The reptilian brain (brainstem), the limbic system (feelings) and the neocortex (rational thinking). The reptilian brain is similar to a snake’s or crocodile’s brain and controls balance feeling, regulates temperature and our breathing automatically. We don’t have to learn these skills, our brainstem is able to do those things automatically and thus ensure that we survive.

Next section is the limbic system, also known as the emotional center for anger, frustration, love, happiness and it responds with fight/flight/freeze when danger occurs. It controls our feelings and it enables us to express them.
It forms a strong unity together with the reptilian brain and it is the brain’s oldest and most primitive part. According to Alberto Villoldo, medical anthropologist, our survival programs get activated if our nutrition contains mainly of grain products and sugar. If our mammal brain has identified a situation as safe or dangerous it runs its programm again and again, relentlessly, it doesn’t mind if the quality of our life is getting worse – survival is the ultimate priority.

Basic Parts of the Brain – Copyright Christine Comaford Assoc 2012

The neocortex is the third section, the youngest part of the brain. To be more precise the prefrontal cortex plays the main role here. This part enables us to plan, to solve complicated tasks, to envision absctract things and to create innovative ideas. In this area experiences can be analysed and compared and the will to change them is created here. Our younger brain enables social behaviour, tool making, language and attaining higher levels of consciousness.

Figure 1. Critter State: Limited Access to Resources – Copyright Christine Comaford Assoc 2012

So, what happens here? If a similar situation occurs which our mammal brain has previously identified as dangerous it runs its survival program – no matter what. And we? We feel helpless and we wonder where our magnificent brain skills have gone. They are completely deactivated during fight/flight/freeze mode. Our brain is completely in survival mode. No wonder that we sometimes don’t recognize ourselves.

Figure 2. Smart State: Full Access to Resources – Copyright Christine Comaford Assoc 2012

The good news is, if we are aware of these processes and know that we can actively change things we are in control and we can move our live to the direction we want it. If we take control all parts of the brain can work together in harmony and we can achieve the best result for us.
You will find my tips on how to regain control of a situation in the next blog post.

Villoldo, Alberto (2016): One Spirit Medizin